Within the enjoyment of graduating

Haven’t been anywhere lately, as in malls or outing with friends. Whenever someone ask me to go out, I just turn down. No reason, I just don’t feel like going out. Sometimes, I really enjoy spending time alone. I tidied up my closet. I helped DD with his work. I watched many shows. I cooked my favourite spicy brinjal. I did the t-shirt design my sis asked me to do. I did my laundry. I browse through the online blogshops every single day. I enjoy spending time alone, with just my stuff, whatever I wanna do, without having to consider about assignments or people (housemates go out almost every day!).

Was pretty upset with certain things few days ago, it’s mostly about the ‘black hawk’! I picked up a marking sheet in the lab which I think I shouldn’t be seeing. It totally killed my day although it’s just a freaking paper. Anyone would have throw the paper away yet I still have it in my diary. It shall be a reminder to myself, to strive harder. Nonetheless, my lovely mr.D just informed me a good news. via sms I double confirmed with him and he assured me that he didn’t mistaken it for another person or anything. Still have some doubts with it, but it sure made the gloomy clouds above my head go away. Another thing was about the grad show of my faculty. Things didn’t happen as promise. I wonder why is that so hard for such a big organization to held such a small event for us. Anyway, it’s settled and I’ve nothing much to say because I did not expect anything good out of it and yeah that’s basically about it. The grad show is still on (21st-22nd Dec), a day after my convo. By all means, I hafta stay back for another 3 days and missing the Dong Zhi for sure. IF ONLY everything was dealt as our well plan.

Talking about being graduated soon, people starting to ask the same old question. ‘So, what are you going to do later?’ Can someone ask something else?

~ by Dancing in the rain on December 4, 2009.

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